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5 Tips to Reduce Divorce Anxiety

Guiding You Through Difficult Times
Woman in bed eating ice cream.

With the new year comes divorce season, and it is not uncommon to have feelings of uncertainty, stress, or anxiety about your separation. Many people go through a wide range of emotions during a divorce, and it can be very difficult to cope.

The good news is there are ways to overcome divorce anxiety so you can get back to feeling like yourself again.

1. Give Yourself Time to Heal

Getting over a relationship takes time. Emotions don’t just go away overnight, just like choosing to divorce doesn’t happen overnight. Take the pressure off of yourself by changing your expectations about how you’re controlling your emotions.

2. Find Balance

Life isn’t perfect — and that’s okay. Try not to focus on having the ideal outcome during or after a separation or divorce. Let go of what other people may think, and do what is best for you.

If this means you need to take time away from social media, go on a short vacation alone, or do something spontaneous, then that’s what you should do. Balancing the bad with the good is an excellent way to help you take your mind off things and get into a more positive headspace.

3. Focus on Your Physical Needs

Try reducing your stress by learning new breathing techniques. Take deep breaths and hold for a few seconds, then exhale. Do this to calm down whenever you’re feeling anxiety creeping in and make a note of how you felt after.

Look into exercising if you’re not already doing it. Exercising can significantly improve your mental and physical health by helping you sleep better at night, adopting good eating habits and a healthy diet, and helping you reduce fatigue so you can think clearly.

4. Keep Moving Forward

Getting a divorce can give you feelings of significant loss. It’s important to know that you can move on and live a much happier life in the future. Take some time to reflect on the things that you can do differently, work on self-improvement, and move forward from there.

5. Let an Attorney Do the Heavy Lifting

Consider hiring a divorce attorney while you heal. Be optimistic about future expectations when it comes to your post-divorce life. It’s easier said than done, but during this time, you can focus on things that bring you joy while trusting an attorney to do the hard part of filing for and overseeing your divorce.

Our attorneys at SANTO MEHAS A Professional Law Corporation have a good record of assisting clients with their divorce and paying close attention to their needs from beginning to end. Contact us for a consultation at (805) 222-7818 for more information.

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