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Injuries To Watch For In The Summer

Guiding You Through Difficult Times
A male German shepherd bites a man by the hand.

Summertime is a season many people look forward to. Families opt to go on vacation, attend events, or do fun outdoor activities. While parents may want to focus on fun activities, it is important to also acknowledge the increased potential for certain injuries. While you may suffer an injury from another person’s negligence at any point during the year, you could be at greater risk of the following during the summer months.

Motor Related Injuries

Car or motorcycle accidents are not an uncommon phenomenon in the United States. In fact, millions of them occur each year. However, motor vehicle accidents will often increase around the summer months. There are several different reasons for this:

  1. Younger drivers are on the road more frequently. With school out, more inexperienced drivers can hit the roads. This can result in more accidents and subsequently more injuries.

  2. There is an increase in motorcyclists. When the weather is good, motorcyclists decide to go out on drives. In fact, summer is the height of motorcycle season. However, a motorcycle can be difficult to see due to its size. If a driver fails to check their blind spots, this can result in a serious accident.

  3. More people decide to travel or vacation. While the kids are out of school, families are more likely to schedule vacations. With a higher volume of individuals traveling on the road, the potential for an accident increases.

Dog Bites and Injuries

Many pet owners decide to take their pets along with them to activities during the summer. Ideal weather gives them an opportunity to give their pets exercise and socialization. However, this is not always the best idea. Taking dogs to loud and busy environments may cause them more stress, potentially resulting in them lashing out. If they are off-leash, they could also approach an individual and bite them. It is safer to tell others that they cannot pet your dog in order to prevent potential injury.

Workplace Dangers

Certain job fields also posit more dangers and potential for injuries during the summer. For example, if you are working outdoors, you may suffer from heatstroke or dehydration. If you work outdoors, you may also find yourself traveling more. This means that you are also at risk for a car accident and related injury.

SANTO MEHAS A Professional Law Corporation is Here to Help

If you suffer a personal injury this summer, you will need a legal team to help secure the compensation that you deserve. SANTO MEHAS A Professional Law Corporation can help you navigate this complex process so you can manage your injuries. You can contact us at (805) 222-7818 for help today.